At BD Emerson, we understand the paramount importance of safeguarding personal data in today's digital landscape. Our GDPR Compliance Consulting Services are meticulously designed to integrate the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards seamlessly into your business processes and technology. We are committed to enhancing your organization's reputation and bolstering customer trust through comprehensive GDPR compliance.

Why Us


Industry Expertise: With 15+ years of experience in development projects and delivering services, we recognize the significant impact of data breaches and non-compliance financially on your reputation.


Technology Consulting: We provide expert guidance and support to enhance digital security and protect sensitive information. Our services encompass strategy development, security audits, control implementation, and regulatory compliance to provide your organization with a comprehensive and integrated solution.


Trusted Partnerships: By collaborating with industry-leading security providers, we ensure our clients have access to state-of-the-art security technology and managed security services, giving them peace of mind knowing that their cybersecurity needs are in capable hands.

​​Risk Assessment

Identify the risks and weaknesses within your operations

Identity and Access

Controlling access to resources based on identity

Organizational Policies

Informing the requirements for technical controls

Risk Management

Prioritize and manage potential security risks

Regulatory Compliance

Adhering to applicable laws and regulations

Policy Enforcement

Administrative actions to guide the organization to compliance

Network Security

Protecting the flow of information within a network

Cloud Security

Protecting data and resources in the cloud

Vulnerability Management

Identifying and mitigating potential security weaknesses

Endpoint Security

Securing devices connected to a network

Application Security

Protecting software systems and their underlying data

Backup and Recovery

Ensuring data availability and recoverability

Security Training

Educating employees on secure practices

Threat Intelligence

Gathering and analyzing information on current and emerging threats.

Incident Response

Responding to and managing security incidents

Security Culture

Rewarding and recognizing security minded staff

Penetration Testing

Simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities

Disaster Recovery

Maintaining operations and restoring systems after a disruption

Our Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC Audit Services

Comprehensive assessments of security controls, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 1 Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 1 Audit Services

Validate your data security measures and enhance business credibility with a comprehensive SOC 2 Type 1 Audit.

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 2 Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 2 Audit Services

Comprehensive assessment of controls over time to ensure compliance with security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy criteria.

BD Emerson's GDPR Audit Services

BD Emerson's GDPR Audit Services

Comprehensive assessments ensuring compliance with GDPR regulations, safeguarding data integrity and privacy for businesses operating within the EU.

BD Emerson's HIPAA Audit Services

BD Emerson's HIPAA Audit Services

Audit services for healthcare data protection regulations ensure compliance, mitigating risks and safeguarding patient information confidentiality.


Understanding GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Consulting And Its Advantages

What is GDPR Compliance?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents a landmark shift in data privacy law, setting a global standard for privacy rights, security, and compliance. Since May 25, 2018, it has mandated stringent data protection measures for all entities handling the personal data of individuals within the European Union. Its scope extends beyond member states and geographical boundaries, encompassing any organization worldwide that processes or holds data of EU residents. The regulation underscores principles of transparency in data collection and usage, securing personal information, and holding organizations accountable for data privacy.

Key Benefits of Embracing GDPR Compliance:

  • Robust Data Protection: Strengthen your cybersecurity framework to guard against data breaches, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of personal data.
  • Fostering Consumer Confidence: By adhering to GDPR, you signal a deep commitment to data privacy, thereby nurturing trust and loyalty among customers.
  • Adherence to Legal Requirements: Staying compliant with GDPR helps avoid significant financial penalties and legal issues, ensuring your business operates within the legal framework.
  • Streamlining Data Handling: GDPR it services encourage the implementation of more efficient, transparent, and accountable data management practices, enhancing operational effectiveness.

GDPR Compliance: A Strategic Approach

GDPR compliance isn't just about legal adherence; it's about embedding a culture of data privacy within the fabric of your organization. It involves a comprehensive understanding of how data is collected, stored, processed, and shared. Implementing GDPR requires a strategic approach encompassing policy development, workforce training, technological investments, risk assessments, and ongoing monitoring and auditing to ensure continual compliance. By fully integrating GDPR into your business practices, you not only comply with the law but also enhance your organization's operational resilience and build a foundation of trust with stakeholders.

GDPR Compliance Consulting Services

GDPR Implementation Process: A Strategic Framework

Comprehensive Approach to GDPR Compliance:

  • Preparation Phase: Initiate the GDPR journey with thorough internal assessments to gauge current data protection practices. This stage involves updating or formulating new policies and procedures, ensuring they align with GDPR mandates. Developing a comprehensive implementation and management plan is crucial to guide the organization through the transition into GDPR compliance.
  • Action and Implementation: The core of GDPR compliance lies in effectively enacting the new or revised policies. This phase requires educating all personnel on GDPR standards and their roles in compliance. It’s also vital to evaluate and ensure the compliance of partners and service providers. In the event of a data breach, organizations must respond swiftly and in accordance with GDPR requirements to mitigate any potential fallout.
  • Maintenance and Continual Compliance: GDPR is not a one-off project but an ongoing commitment. Regular documentation of activities, reassessment of policies, and monitoring for changes in GDPR regulations are fundamental. This continuous process ensures that the organization remains compliant and adapts to any internal changes or updates in GDPR stipulations.

GDPR Compliance Consulting Services

Key Principles of GDPR: The Core Pillars

Foundational Elements of GDPR Compliance:

  • Right to Access: Empowering individuals with the right to obtain information regarding the collection, processing, and purpose of their personal data.
  • Right of Revocation: Providing data subjects the ability to have their personal data erased and to halt its distribution or processing by third parties.
  • Data Portability: Facilitating individuals' rights to move their personal data between different service providers or organizations.
  • Breach Notification Obligation: Requiring organizations to notify relevant authorities and individuals of data breaches within a stringent 72-hour window.
  • Privacy by Design Principle: Mandating the incorporation of data protection measures from the onset of designing systems, rather than as an afterthought.
  • Role of Data Protection Officers (DPOs): Designating DPOs to monitor GDPR compliance, educate and advise on obligations, and serve as a liaison between data subjects and regulatory bodies.

GDPR Compliance Consulting Services

BD Emerson's Tailored GDPR Compliance Services

Holistic Approach to GDPR Readiness:

  • Gap Analysis: A meticulous assessment to understand your current stance in data protection. We, as a GDPR compliance service provider, evaluate how your existing practices measure up against GDPR requirements, identifying areas that need attention and improvement.
  • Remediation Strategies: After identifying the gaps, we don't just leave you with a list of issues. Our team of GDPR compliance consultants will guide you through the development and implementation of strategies to address each compliance gap. This includes revising policies, enhancing data security measures, and ensuring proper data handling procedures are in place.
  • Educational Workshops: Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to GDPR compliance. We offer specialized workshops tailored to your organization's needs. These sessions are designed to deepen your team’s understanding of GDPR obligations, rights, and responsibilities, turning compliance from a challenge into an opportunity for improvement.
  • Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Learning from others' experiences is invaluable. We provide insights into successful GDPR compliance journeys, including case studies that highlight practical solutions to common challenges. These real-world examples offer a clearer perspective on the path to compliance.
  • Customized Service Offerings: Recognizing that every organization is unique, our GDPR consultancy services are not one-size-fits-all. We offer bespoke GDPR compliance solutions, meticulously crafted to align with your specific organizational requirements, industry standards, and business objectives. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, our GDPR advisory services are scalable to your specific needs.

Commitment to Excellence:

At BD Emerson, we understand the intricacies of GDPR and are committed to helping you navigate its complexities. Our approach is not just about achieving regulatory compliance; it's about transforming the way you handle sensitive data together, enhancing trust with your customers, and building a stronger, more resilient organization.

GDPR Compliance Consulting Services
GDPR Compliance Consulting Services
GDPR Compliance Consulting Services

Elevate your data protection standards with BD Emerson’s GDPR Consulting Services. Our expert team is ready to guide you through the complexities of GDPR, ensuring your business remains compliant and secure.


Who is Subject to GDPR?

GDPR applies to all organizations, irrespective of their geographical location, that process personal data of individuals residing in the European Union. This includes businesses not based in the EU but dealing with EU residents' data.

Impact of GDPR on Advertising Practices:

GDPR significantly affects advertising by mandating explicit consent for data processing. This means that businesses must obtain clear permission from individuals before using their personal data for advertising or marketing purposes, leading to more transparent and consent-driven advertising strategies.

Does GDPR Affect US-Based Companies?

Yes, GDPR is applicable to US companies if they process personal data of EU residents. This includes companies operating online services or e-commerce websites accessible to individuals in the EU, regardless of whether the company has a physical presence in the EU.

GDPR's Applicability in the UK Post-Brexit:

The UK continues to adhere to data protection laws that are in line with GDPR standards, despite Brexit. The UK has incorporated GDPR into its national law, known as the UK GDPR, to maintain a high level of data protection and privacy.

GDPR Enforcement Date:

GDPR came into effect on May 25, 2018. Since this date, organizations found non-compliant with its provisions have faced potential penalties, including significant fines.

What role does a GDPR compliance consultant play for small businesses?

A GDPR compliance consultant for small businesses assists in implementing and maintaining data protection measures, and processes, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and minimizing risks.

How much does a GDPR audit cost, and what does it involve?

The cost of a GDPR audit varies, depending on the scope and complexity. It typically includes assessing data processes, privacy policies, and compliance, ensuring businesses meet regulatory requirements.

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Other Services

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Cybersecurity Consulting Services

Extensive guidance and solutions to protect your organization from cyber threats and ensure the security of your digital assets

Privacy Consulting Services

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Information Technology (IT) Consulting Services

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Strategic insights and recommendations to leverage technology effectively, optimize IT infrastructure, and drive digital transformation for your business

Cybersecurity Compliance Services

Cybersecurity Compliance Services

Expert guidance on navigating regulations, managing risks, and ensuring legal adherence to safeguard digital assets and systems

Cybersecurity Compliance Audit Services

Cybersecurity Compliance Audit Services

Evaluating and ensuring adherence to cybersecurity protocols, enhancing data protection, and mitigating risks for a resilient digital infrastructure.

SOC 2 Compliance Consulting Services

SOC 2 Compliance Consulting Services

Adherence to stringent data security standards, fostering trust, attracting larger clients, and expanding business opportunities

Legal Consulting Services

Legal Consulting Services

Professional legal support across various areas, including business law, compliance, contract negotiation, mergers and acquisitions.

Managed Cloud Security Services

Managed Cloud Security Services

Robust protection for cloud-based systems and data, fostering trust, complying with security standards, and expanding business opportunities.

Network Security Monitoring Services

Network Security Monitoring Services

Continuous threat surveillance, fostering trust, and unlocking lucrative business opportunities for enhanced data protection.

Data Privacy Consulting Services

Data Privacy Consulting Services

Empowering organizations with expert guidance on securing sensitive information, ensuring legal compliance, and crafting impactful privacy policies for enhanced trust and business growth

HIPAA Compliance Consulting Services

HIPAA Compliance Consulting Services

Expert guidance ensuring businesses adhere to HIPAA regulations, safeguarding patient data, mitigating risks, and enhancing healthcare industry compliance.

Web Application Penetration Testing Services

Web Application Penetration Testing Services

Ensuring robust cybersecurity by systematically identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in web applications, safeguarding digital assets and fostering client confidence.

Vanta Implementation Services

Vanta Implementation Services

Stringent adherence to regulatory standards, validating operational and security protocols to foster trust, attract clients, and unlock growth opportunities.

SOC 2 Compliance Cohort Program

SOC 2 Compliance Cohort Program

Collaborative initiative ensuring businesses meet SOC 2 compliance, enhancing data security, trust, and unlocking growth opportunities through shared expertise.

Virtual CISO Services. vCISO Consulting

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Cyber Incident Response Services

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Strategic planning and coordinated efforts to detect, respond, and recover from cybersecurity incidents, ensuring effective mitigation and organizational resilience.

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Managed IT Support Services

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Strategic oversight ensuring robust protection, compliance, and resilience against cyber threats, safeguarding assets and bolstering organizational cybersecurity posture.

Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Services

Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Services

Comprehensive oversight of external vendor risks, ensuring regulatory compliance, safeguarding data, and fortifying business resilience against third-party vulnerabilities.

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Expert guidance ensuring adherence to NIST standards, enhancing cybersecurity, fostering trust, and facilitating business growth through NIST compliance consulting services.

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Real-time Security Monitoring Services

Continuous surveillance of network activities to promptly detect and respond to security threats, ensuring real-time protection and minimizing potential risks.

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GLBA Compliance Consulting Services

Financial data protection consulting services assisting businesses in complying with regulations, enhancing trust, and seizing growth opportunities through robust security measures.

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Virtual Data Protection Officer (vDPO) Services

Outsourced expertise ensuring compliance with data protection regulations, managing risks, and enhancing data security for organizations without an in-house Data Protection Officer.

Cybersecurity Services for Small Businesses

Cybersecurity Services for Small Businesses

Comprehensive protection against online threats, data breaches, and unauthorized access, safeguarding small businesses' digital assets and ensuring operational resilience.

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Gain strategic IT planning, enhanced cybersecurity, and expert guidance to drive business growth efficiently with Virtual CIO (vCIO) services.

Virtual CTO (vCTO) Services

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Expert technology leadership, strategic IT planning, and innovative solutions to drive your business growth with our Virtual CTO services.

Other Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC Audit Services

Comprehensive assessments of security controls, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 1 Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 1 Audit Services

Validate your data security measures and enhance business credibility with a comprehensive SOC 2 Type 1 Audit.

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 2 Audit Services

BD Emerson's SOC 2 Type 2 Audit Services

Comprehensive assessment of controls over time to ensure compliance with security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy criteria.

BD Emerson's GDPR Audit Services

BD Emerson's GDPR Audit Services

Comprehensive assessments ensuring compliance with GDPR regulations, safeguarding data integrity and privacy for businesses operating within the EU.

BD Emerson's HIPAA Audit Services

BD Emerson's HIPAA Audit Services

Audit services for healthcare data protection regulations ensure compliance, mitigating risks and safeguarding patient information confidentiality.

Our accreditations

At BD Emerson, we believe that our team's extensive certifications not only set us apart but also ensure that we provide the highest level of service to our clients

This certification provides preferential access to government contracts for a company as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business

This certification validates the ability to design and deploy well-architected systems on AWS that are scalable, resilient, and efficient

This certification demonstrates an individual's ability to design and implement security solutions to secure applications and data on AWS

This certification demonstrates an individual's ability to create a company vision, structure a privacy team, develop and implement a privacy program, and much more

These certifications demonstrate a strong understanding of U.S. and European privacy laws and regulations and how they apply to companies

This globally recognized certification validates an individual's expertise in designing, implementing, and managing a best-in-class cybersecurity services program

This designation is given to those who hold both CIPM and CIPP certifications and have significant experience in the field of privacy

This certification validates the baseline skills needed to perform core computer security functions and pursue an IT and cyber security career

This certification validates the ability to implement, monitor, and maintain Microsoft technologies

This certification demonstrates that an individual can ensure safety and trust in the development and deployment of ethical AI and ongoing management of AI systems

This certification demonstrates excellence in leading and directing project teams

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